Friday, September 5, 2014

2 Million Dowloads of Inspiration / Gino Walker: My Wall

2 Million Dowloads of Inspiration / Gino Walker: My Wall:  "Walls" they surround us in our homes, work place, on the street wherever we go they are there. I saw some talented art...

My Wall

 "Walls" they surround us in our homes, work place, on the street wherever we go they are there. I saw some talented artist creating a mural on the back of a "wall" can we paint on someone else's "wall". If we do, does it change the "wall" or everyone that sees it?

Some "Walls" are beautifully decorated others are used for storage, some to share accomplishments, family photos, books and some "walls"are given no attention at all.  "Walls" surround us in our day to day living. Just like our invisible "walls" we put around our hearts. The walls between parents & children, friends,  lovers, spouse's and ourselves. All of these stories that keep us apart are nothing more than walls of separation. After all, our walls are telling our stories.

Stories we share about our life, things from our pass, future hopes or disappointments. They all tell a story some of the stories are very old and not working for our highest and best good but we shine the light on them and put them on display, each time we talk about them, we post our thoughts & recipes for success on our "Walls", and what about the "Walls" we avoid hoping that they will disappear or no one will notice them.

It's easy to look at a external wall and see when we need to make changes;  a new painting , remove a nail or slap on a new coat of  paint but our invisible "walls" that surround our hearts and carry our  life story; not so easy to know when we must  let go of the old and embrace a new way of being and living. There's a tendency to think that the outside will change in time leaving the inside the same. To continue to use the same thinking that built or decorated your "wall" is the cycle of repetitive nonsense that leads us into insanity or at least frustration and disillusionment.

Walls that keep us blocked in right and wrong are the hardest to bring down. "Walls" that we create around our heart prohibits us from living a higher quality of life and from stepping out into the great beyond. Next time you" feel" your "wall" look at the story it's telling, see if you can recognize your story and if you do is that story supporting you now or is it time to let it go, Be willing to use new tools to experience a different story.

If u find in this moment that your tried of living behind your "Wall" of pain, lack, overweight, angry, loneliness, whatever the story. Stop giving it your attention pick one new word, one new emotion, a new feeling to put on your "Wall" and milk it for all it's worth. Why not start telling what feels good to you, what makes you smile, the little things that are all around you everyday that bring you joy. We don't need a whale of a thing to share just joy of a thing, smile of a thing,  laugh of a thing just any little thing that takes your attention away from what's missing in your life. Let's go within ourselves to "Home Depot" and redecorate our "Walls" with Joy.  

Inconspicuous life of "walls"  

Everything Is Possible
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