Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcome to 2014 & Loving You

I choose to Fall in Love

This is a wonderful time of the year, everyone is filled with great expectation for what is to come. The Joy that is felt in the first weeks of a New Year is exciting but what happens to all of the Dreams and Infinite Possibilities as the months roll on.

 For most of us we start to go back to our old habit of thinking and feeling which creates the same old types of experiences. This year instead of looking at our life and wanting or trying to change everything about it, from the outside why not Fall in Love with yourself just as you are. 

Waking up everyday praising the magnificence that you truly are. What a Concept "I Love Me" right now just the way I AM. If you think dieting is tough try Praising & Loving yourself  for the next 28 days. Find one (1) thing that is great about U, everyday just one thing it doesn't have to be a major thing, maybe you like your hair or you like your toes or you like reading. It doesn't matter if you repeat the same thing it's about the Way You Feel about yourself. Just decide for the next 28 days your gonna Love on yourself and milk it for all it's worth. 

Each day tell yourself "I love you" and if you can't connect to loving yourself then try "I like you". This is not a love that's in the future or a regret of not loving yourself in the past but this Present Moment. The Now- ness of this moment is All We Have.

I will join you on this magical journey of self LOVE for the next 28 days. This is a time of self focus, awareness and Falling In Love With You.
Let me know how your doing. that's right let it be fun, child like words for the next 28 days your the child you love and adore so Speak to U the way U would speak to a Child. I love U and I know that U are absolutely Wonderful.

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