Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How Are You Today? (#Feeling)

A common phase used daily "How are you today?" or "How are things?" 
This is a loaded question filled with infinite possibilities of where your truly living in your everyday life. 

When asked this question do you find yourself thinking about what's not working in your life, or what you would like to do in your life or do you explain your struggles and how they need to be fixed or do you give the standard answer "I'm good" "things are OK" which sometimes means I don't know what's going on with me or let's not talk about it. This question is asking you "How do you Feel about your Life" This is a feeling place of your energy you are releasing to the world and most importantly a belief about what's possible and happening in your LIFE.

I recently was invited to a dinner party and had conversation with a sweet acquaintance who asked me the question "how are things" and I said " I'm Fabulous my Life is Good" she went on to share with me that it was hard to "read me" because she didn't know if I was being real with her or if I was just saying what sounds good. She felt as though I was being superficial not acknowledging the ups and downs in life saying " come on I like being positive too but things happen, do you just ignore the bad, the craziness?

I went on to say "Life is full of everything and I no longer see things in good or bad but opportunities to grow, expand my consciousness, live my greatness. Explore the ONENESS" that's operating in the Universe.  In those times of deep expansion I go within to gain understanding it is my practice to grow into the gift that is before me. And by practice I mean a daily conscious effort to shifting my thinking, speaking and feeling awareness of what's possible in this moment. I have a new way of living my life from the inside out which means nothing is more important than what I choose to think and feel about my life regardless of the appearance. This is no easy feat but I think it's worth the effort, I will choose the glasses I wear be it rose colored or appearance. I believe we are what we think and feel we are. 

What a gift this conversation was deepening my own understanding and yes another opportunity to practice living differently. Recognizing this age old pleasantry from a higher level of consciousness supporting my expansion. 

Be aware of your thinking and feeling process the next time someone ask you " How are you doing?" Take advantage of this moment to check in with your vibrational energy know whatever is happening is old news and what has yet to happen is in the future so what do you have in this precious moment. NOW which creates your tomorrow. Listen to your Inner Voice like a Cat on the prowl ready for All your opportunities to expand.

#Everything Is Possible
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Part of the proceeds from each download goes to support CSL & Unity Centers, Save the Children & The Wellness Fund
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