Sunday, June 8, 2014

#Inspiration Shared around the Globe

We begin each day with the intention to Inspire the World What does it really mean to be Inspired. The word inspire means: to produce or arouse (a feeling, thought, etc.): to inspire confidence in others.
There is great power in inspiration, the definition suggest that this is something given to someone but it is the energy and vibration of the thoughts & feelings that first gives to the giver. That is U. 

This journey is to awaken yourself to a different possibility, to step outside of your habitual thinking & feeling. Moving your thoughts away from you and the old stories that you know so well that have thwarted your Joy.

Embrace your family & friends with this new possibility, dare them to believe again in their Dreams. Take thought beyond the walls of rejection and watch it begin to flow with ease and grace. Watch the video "Everything is Possible" download the song let go of the "How" and just enjoy the Dream. Play, Dance, Skip & most important LAUGH OUT LOUD

Big Hugs

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