Tuesday, June 10, 2014

#Taking a Walk

One of the things I loved about being a pet owner was going for a walk but at first I was; hurry up, pulling, agitated what are you doing; get it done already "kind of dog walker" my little dog soon taught me the joy of relaxing, because after all this was his time to enjoy him self.

Walking through the neighborhood it allowed me to speak to my neighbors and chat with them about whatever was on their minds, to listen to the birds singing or just watching nature do it's thing. Sometimes Spike (my dog) and I would just sit on the side of the curb and breathe. He enjoyed watching everything and smelling everything, I mean everything, during this time my mind would slow, slow, slow down to see things in the Universe I couldn't before. Smallest of insect's, ants building their home, smelling the bouquet of flowers and most importantly "NOW" had my full attention.

Something very sweet about being in the presence of NOW. A peace that fills your spirit and joy that dances through your soul. In  these moments,  answers flow, pure clarity is available and well being abounds. These feelings came rushing in today as I took my friends dog for a walk, reminding me that "NOW" is all we got and staying in the 'NOW' moment is  more powerful than leaning on the pass or searching through the future. I invite you to take a walk in the valley of 'NOW' and watch your day unfold with Joy, Clarity and Peace

Everything Is Possible

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Big Hugs


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